St. Louis Irish Arts is 50 years old this year, St. Louis' first and oldest school of Irish music and dance

Looking to try something new this summer? Discover the fun of Irish music and dance at SLIA Intro Camp. U12 New Slia students will learn Irish dance steps, play runes on the tin whistle, sing in the Irish language and enjoy games with SLIA friends. New students are welcome to attend any or all weeks of camp. We will adjust group activities according to ages and experience level of students registered each week. Students will conclude both weeks performing together for parents and friends.

Special guest music teacher: Brenda Castles: Brenda Castles hails from Co. Meath and honed her concertina skills under the tutelage of Mícheál ÓRaghallaigh. With two solo albums showcasing her mastery of Irish music on the concertina, Brenda is a seasoned performer and often graced stages alongside Mick Moloney's Green Fields of America. Notable recent performances
include headlining solo concerts at Temple Bar TradFest, Meath Beo, the Pipers Club and the Consairtín festival in Ennis. Beyond her musical endeavours, Brenda has delved into the realm of film,
creating and producing the evocative short film, The Plight of the Bumble Bee, complete with a traditionally inspired soundtrack of her own composition.

Special guest dancing teacher: Alexandra Williamson: In 2021, Alexandra was awarded the Meg Hunt Artist In Residence, Wrangell Mountains Center, in the Wrangell- St. Elias National Park, Alaska. She has taught and performed at the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival and the Alaska Folk Festival. Alexandra attended Montclair State University receiving a BFA in dance and a minor in musical theatre. She studied Irish dancing with the Davis Academy. Alexandra attended the Morris County Academy for Visual and Performing Arts High School where she was encouraged to integrate modern and contemporary dance with traditional Irish step dancing. Alexandra currently dances for several companies and choreographers including Darrah Carr Dance, General Mischief Dance Theatre, DiMauro Dance Co., and Moe-tion Dance Theatre. She recently toured as a featured dancer with Tomáseen Foley’s A Celtic Christmas. Alexandra is on faculty at Hofstra University and Montclair State University, has taught at Steps on Broadway, the School at Steps, Peridance Capezio Center, the Joffrey Ballet School, Kean University, and Bergen Performing Arts Center. Alexandra has performed on the TODAY Show and Good Morning America, Jacob’s Pillow, and has toured internationally, most recently at Project Arts Center in Dublin, Ireland.

Instagram: @Alexandra_Dances

Choose from week one or week two or both

New students U12 (9.30-12.30)
Intro to Irish dance and tin whistle; singing, Irish language, crafts and games

SLIA Irish Music/Dance U12 camp (9.30-12.30)
For current SLIA U12 students and new students competent on their instrument:
Irish dance, ensemble music, small group instrument instruction, singing, Irish language and games

U12 New Instrument Class (9-9.30)
For current U12 students looking to try a new instrument this summer. Instruments will be provided for the duration of camp.
Concertina - sold out

SLIA Irish Music/Dance O12 Camp (12-4 for dancers; 1-4 for musicians)
For current SLIA O12 students and new students competent on their instrument:
Irish dance, ensemble music, small group instrument instruction, singing, Irish language and games.

There will be performances by guest artists from St. Louis, the US and Ireland throughout the week.

End of week student concert on June 14th at noon - all students, family and friends welcome.

Register Now

Choose from one week or two.

Week 1 : June, 10th to 14th

U12 New Students and Current U8 Students : 9:30 - 12:30 Irish Dance, Music on the tin whistle, singing and games.
New Instrument 5 Day Try for CURRENT under 12 students : 9:00 - 9:30
SLIA Dance and/or Music Camp for Under 12s : 9:30 - 12:30
SLIA Dance and/or Music Camp for Over 12s : 12-4pm (music and dance) 1-4pm (music only)
End of week concert on June 14th at noon

Week 2 : June 17th to 21st

U12 New Students and current U8 students 9:30 - 12:30 Irish Dance, Music on the tin whistle, singing and games.
New Instrument 5 Day Try for CURRENT under 12 students : 9:00 - 9:30
SLIA Dance and/or Music Camp for Under 12s : 9:30 - 12:30
SLIA Dance and/or Music Camp for Over 12s : 12-4pm (music and dance) 1-4pm (music only)
End of week concert on June 21st at noon